Glossary of terms related to the Python programming language
1. Python: A high-level, versatile, and interpreted
programming language known for its readability and simplicity. It is widely
used in web development, data science, scientific computing, and more.
Basic Concepts:
2. Syntax: The rules that define the combinations of
symbols that are considered to be correctly structured Python programs.
3. Indentation: Python uses indentation (whitespace) to
define blocks of code, making it visually clear and significant.
Data Types:
4. Variable: A named storage location in memory used to
store data.
5. Integer (int): A data type representing whole numbers.
6. Float: A data type representing decimal numbers.
7. String (str): A data type for text or sequences of
8. Boolean (bool): A data type representing true or false
9. List: A mutable, ordered collection of items.
10. Tuple: An immutable, ordered collection of items.
11. Dictionary (dict): An unordered collection of key-value
12. Set: An unordered collection of unique elements.
Control Flow:
13. If Statement: A conditional statement that executes
code based on a specified condition.
14. For Loop: A loop that iterates through a sequence or
15. While Loop: A loop that repeats code while a specified
condition is true.
16. Function: A block of reusable code designed to perform
a specific task.
17. Argument: A value provided to a function when it's
18. Return Statement: A statement used within a function to
return a value to the caller.
19. Lambda Function: An anonymous, small, and inline
function defined using the `lambda` keyword.
Modules and Packages:
20. Module: A Python file containing functions, variables,
and code that can be reused in other programs.
21. Package: A collection of related modules organised in
Exception Handling:
22. Exception: An event that occurs during the execution of
a program and disrupts the normal flow.
23. Try-Except: A construct for handling exceptions,
allowing graceful error handling.
File Handling:
24. File I/O: Input and output operations for reading from
and writing to files.
25. Open Function: Used to open a file for reading,
writing, or appending.
Object-Oriented Programming:
26. Class: A blueprint for creating objects that have
attributes and methods.
27. Object: An instance of a class with its own unique data
and behaviour.
28. Inheritance: A mechanism that allows a class to inherit
properties and methods from another class.
29. Method: A function defined within a class.
30. Attribute: A variable defined within a class.
31. Encapsulation: The concept of bundling data and methods
that operate on that data into a single unit (a class).
This glossary should help you understand fundamental terms and concepts related to the Python programming language. Python is a versatile language with a wide range of applications, so these terms are foundational for working with Python in various domains.
Thank you
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